Raising pigs on a small farm takes a little work, but the trick is finding the right farm animals to live with the pigs. The more animals that can live together in harmony on your small farm, the fewer issues and chores you will have to deal with.

Several other farm animals are ideal for living with and around pigs, including goats, chickens, sheep, and ducks.
While it may seem like it would be chaotic, the truth is many farmers around the world have found that raising pigs and other farm animals together is a great way to make farm life easier and more fulfilling.
One of the many secrets to a successful mini farm is to keep all the animals healthy and happy, which often includes allowing them to live in an around other animals.
There are some precautions, however, that need to be taken when it comes to raising pigs with other farm animals.
Goats can live with pigs and are probably the most common farm animal raised with them. For the most part, both pigs and goats seem to get along very well since neither of them tend to be very aggressive with the other.
Pigs graze on grass and vegetation while goats like to eat roughage like leaves, weeds, and stalks. This means that both pigs and goats can coexist easily in the same pastures or paddocks.

Chickens can easily live with most adult pigs, as long as the chickens are fully grown. It is important not to let small chickens around pigs because they may get accidentally trampled or even intentionally eaten by the much larger pigs.
Adult chickens and pigs get along pretty well, as long as they are kept together in large enclosures. There should not be any mud that chickens could get stuck in or drown in.
Chickens will also need access to roosting posts to get up and away from the pigs when they need to, especially at night.
They will also constant need access to clean water that the pigs cannot disturb.
Cows are a great option for raising along with pigs in a pasture environment. Pigs will graze on the grass much like cows, but it is important to monitor the pig’s penchant for rooting up the ground.
If you can keep the cows and pigs rotating on different pastures, or in large open pastures, you should not have to worry much about excessive rooting.
Most cows do well with pigs but always separate the pigs from any aggressive bulls or overly protective mother cows.

Sheep can live with pigs in pastures or paddocks as long as you give them plenty of space. Pigs should have room to roam and play, while sheep should be able to rest away from the pigs when needed.
You should also have a separate feeding area for the sheep if you feed them grain or special food. Pigs tend to be a little more food aggressive than sheep and may prevent the sheep from eating their share of the food.
Donkeys do well living with pigs in large pasture settings. A donkey will actually help keep the pigs safe in the pasture by fending off coyotes and other predators.
Overly aggressive donkeys may not do well with pigs, especially if the pigs are aggressive themselves. Keep an eye on the donkey or donkeys in the pasture to make sure they are not kicking or attacking the pigs for any reason.
Overall, donkeys and pigs should get along pretty well and not bother each other as long as there is plenty of grass and food.

Horses can live with pigs in large pastures as long as they are not scared of the pigs or show any signs of aggressive behavior towards them. A horse’s legs are extremely powerful and one wrong kick could severely injure a pig in the blink of an eye.
It is important that the pasture is large enough for both the pigs and horses. The fencing should be high enough to keep horses in as well as low enough and strong enough to prevent the pigs from escaping.
Llamas also do extremely well living with pigs! Llamas are typically calm animals so if they are not afraid of pigs, they should do fine living in a pasture with them.
Pigs typically get along with larger animals like llamas, but it is important to make sure you monitor their behavior. Watch for signs of aggression or anger from the llama including spitting, kicking, or laid back ears.

Alpacas are herd animals, like most farm animals on this list, and tend to enjoy living with pigs. Like llamas, they can be aggressive at times, so it important to watch for negative signs like kicking, spitting, and pinned ears.
On the whole, alpacas are pretty friendly and will get along with friendly pigs as long as they are housed in an adequately-sized pasture with plenty of room for all of them to move around.
Turkeys can live with pigs in an enclosure as long as it is free of mud and fresh water is provided. Only adult turkeys should be kept with pigs since they can easily defend themselves if needed.
Turkeys and pigs usually eat different food, so there shouldn’t be too much competition, but it is important to feed the turkeys separately. Pigs can be aggressive at feeding time and you have to make sure the turkeys get their regular daily ration.
What Farm Animals Should Not Live With Pigs?
Young Farm Animals
Young farm animals including chicks, kids, lambs, and baby turkeys should not be kept with pigs at all. Pigs are very large and sometimes aggressive, which means they can very easily injure or sometimes intentionally kill baby farm animals, especially poultry.
Wait until the other animals are large enough to defend themselves, which usually means fully grown unless they are already significantly larger than the pigs.
Overly Aggressive Farm Animals
Overly aggressive farm animals should not be allowed to live with pigs, not matter how large the enclosure is.
There are some animals that just cannot be kept with pigs and they should not be forced to, otherwise, the consequences could be dangerous for one of the animals.

Tips for Keeping Other Farm Animals With Pigs
- Make sure fencing is secure for all the animals housed within.
The fencing in any pasture or enclosure that houses both pigs and other farm animals should be secure enough to keep all the animals inside it.
- Keep a clean source of water for the other farm animals.
Pigs are well known for getting into water tubs and making it undrinkable. You may need to have separate water supplies for the pigs or you may have to change the water daily or multiple times a day.
- Consider keeping the animals close to each other but separated for a few weeks before putting them together.
Put the pigs in an enclosure close to the other farm animals you want to put them with, but keep them separated by a secure fence for a week or two. This will allow the animals to all get used to one another and hopefully enjoy each other’s company once they are put together.
- Watch for signs of aggression from any of the animals and separate immediately if needed.
Pay attention, especially when you first put new animals together with pigs, and keep an eye out for aggressive behavior.
- Have a separate feeding area for the pigs if you feed supplemental food that the animals may fight over.
Pigs are known for being food aggressive and may prevent other farm animals from eating any supplemental food that you feed them. You may have to separate the animals at feeding time so that they all get their fair share.
- Separate pigs from the other farm animals sometime before they have babies.
This will not only keep the babies safe from being injured but it will also keep the other animals safe from an aggressive and overprotective mother.
- Make sure there is adequate shade and dirt for the pigs.
Pigs can do well with many other farm animals especially in pastures, but they need adequate shade and a spot to wallow in the dirt to help their bodies stay cool.
Final Thoughts
Pigs can and often are kept in the same pastures, enclosures, or paddocks as other farm animals. Luckily, there are several farm animals that can live with pigs including goats, sheep, turkeys and more.
While not every pig will get along with every farm animal, you should be able to find some that your pig or pigs will be more than happy sharing their lives with.
Learning about pigs and what farm animals can live with them is educational and exciting. Here are the sources used in this article.