Black And White Pig Breeds

Pigs’ skin is mostly pink or whitish-pink in color. But when a mutation occurs, their skin stops producing or overproducing melanin and eumelanin, resulting in different coat colors.

In some breeds, two or three mutations occur in their body, causing different coloration on their skin. This is where black and white pig breeds come from. They are what we called spotted pigs.

Angeln Saddleback


Angeln Saddlebacks can be recognized by their large, looped ears, and a white band around their large bodies.

Scribbled Underline 2

Bentheim Black Pied


Benthem Black Pied pigs can be recognized by their medium-sized bodies, looped ears, short legs, twisted tails, and uneven black spots with gray rings on their white bodies.

British Saddleback Pig

British Saddleback pigs have short heads, looped ears, large black bodies, and a white band or saddle around the shoulders, withers, and front legs.


Gloucestershire Old Spots


Gloucestershire Old Spots pigs have stocky and large bodies, short heads with slightly dished noses, looped ears, and black spots on their white coats.